
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Permutations

12 Songs: Permutations

Still with us after last week? 

As much fun as we have blowing out our eardrums from time to time, we promise that isn’t a regular thing around here. In fact, we like to think that we’re actually very normal people, the kind who tend to shy away from transgressive, headache-inducing noise rock.

Alright, that last part is a lie. We fucking love that kind of thing, and that will never change. But I like to think of 12 Songs as a living, sentient thing, some kind of lab-grown monstrosity, writhing and squirming on the slab while it mutates to fit whatever form our ears have deemed necessary that particular week.

And every now and then, we push things a little too hard. The beast gets a little unruly, and starts to morph completely out of our control, at which point we have no choice but to take cover and plug the damn thing in the ass with a tranquilizer dart. —Jackson Todd

Gabe Morvil going left in Newport Beach

Gabe Morvil going left in Newport Beach

Sunday with Books: Ancient Masquerades

Sunday with Books: Ancient Masquerades