
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Levitating

12 Songs: Levitating

Hopefully our gills don’t dry out. But over Halloween weekend, we’re joining our friends at Weird Tea in Austin, Texas for the Levitation Festival. The lineup is wild and spans genres and eras and somehow the great people at My Oh My bar are going to be hosting us and our Reel Talk gramma couch and coffee table for interviews and tea parties every day before the shows. Check the lineup below and sample some tunes that caught our eye. And hit us up if you’re going, let’s hang.—Travis

Listen to 12 Songs: Levitation here on Spotify

Surfers on the Proust: Luke Griffin

Surfers on the Proust: Luke Griffin

You are here: Hossegor, France

You are here: Hossegor, France