
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Return to the L.L.Z

12 Songs: Return to the L.L.Z

I jokingly told a friend of mine recently that I feel like I suffer from this kind of cursed ability to bring brain fog with me wherever I go, the kind that envelops those around me, whether they consent to it or not. This playlist feels like an extension of that.

These are songs that sound best when played from other rooms, or at the end of a long and empty hallway, or perhaps as interpreted by a department store pianist, the kind whose performance - always carried out with an uncanny, animatronic grace - is usually drowned out by a nearby escalator and the ambient racket of the perfume department, the kind of performer who only responds to having their tip jar fed with a perfunctory nod and an unsettling, The Shining-esque grin.

If you can’t tell, the fog hasn’t lifted - but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Embrace it; I’m doing my best. Welcome back to the L.L.Z. —Jackson Todd

[above artwork: Sunday, 1978 by Leonora Carrington]

Listen to 12 Songs: Return to the L.L.Z. on Spotify here.

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