
It’s not the end of the world.

Best Sections of All-Time: Tim Curran in The Show

Best Sections of All-Time: Tim Curran in The Show

In my early years I gravitated towards the surfers who had the flashy new tricks. The ones with the extra little whip on the end of their carve, or the turns that let their fins drift across the lip, and especially the airs. I was all about airs.

Tim Curran was someone I watched often in Taylor Steele’s movies. His frontside carve to tail slide fascinated me and at the time this part came out, Timmy was setting the bar on what was possible in the air. He always just seemed to get that little extra height on his airs. Especially the massive alley-oops that were to become his trademark. Inspirational, though I never quite figured out how to do an alley-oop (seriously why are they awkward?)

*Fun fact…Rob Machado actually is in the band Sack Lunch that Tim surfs to in this part and Tim actually doesn’t over do it on the airs in this one, but certainly can fire you up for some fun fall/winter time waves around home.—Brandon Guilmette

Notes from the Underground

Notes from the Underground

12 Songs: Pirate Radio #1

12 Songs: Pirate Radio #1