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Friday Night Flicks: Go

Friday Night Flicks: Go

I kinda accidentally clicked on this and never turned it off. I remember when it came out but never made it to a theater to see it and didn’t hear much so never thought about it again. Criterion Collection (my television is never not playing it) released Go in a category devoted to the 90s and I stumbled upon it last week.

It’s a zany, drug-fueled crime comedy that you kinda can’t put down. They made it so guerrilla that you can practically tell when they ran out of money in scenes. It’s still pretty fun, has Dawson’s Creek era Katie Holmes and Sarah Polley kinda steals the show as that girl who kinda scares you but oozes cool. Some great characters and some that make no sense but you let it ride and let the soundtrack save you.—Travis Ferré

Here’s the synopsis from Criterion:

Director Doug Liman’s follow-up to SWINGERS is a hyperkinetic, MDMA-fueled cult joyride that bounces, with whiplash-inducing abandon, between a coterie of twentysomething Californians chasing drugs, sex, money, and a good time. Los Angeles checkout girl Ronna (Sarah Polley) needs to make some extra cash, fast. Her drug-dealing coworker Simon (Desmond Askew) wants to escape to Vegas for the weekend. Soap-opera actors Adam (Scott Wolf) and Zack (Jay Mohr) are looking to score some pills while trying to stay out of trouble. As their lives collide on Christmas Eve, they find themselves launched on a wild odyssey that won’t end until the sun comes up.

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