
It’s not the end of the world.

Friday Night Flicks: HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis

Friday Night Flicks: HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis

The Internet used to allow us to find answers on our own (for better or worse), but now it’s really just a wasteland filled with clowns and used car salesman disguised as mega-corporations who insist on telling you all about how they are “doing their part” while they reach down your throat and pull out your beating heart and feed it to their wallet and subscriber list.

No matter your age or political affiliation — shit’s upside down. But if you watch this documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis, you’ll quickly realize: shit’s always been upside down. We live in a perpetual upside down. By the end of this film your search engine will be smoking from all the Wikipedia searching it will send you to do, but if you’re looking for some contrarian talking points, you’ll get ‘em here. The only problem, most of them never really get answered. But what does!

Curtis’ documentaries often serve us more prompts than answers, but since he uses such cool music and amazing archival visuals, we don’t even mind.

As you watch, just remember: It’s not the end of the world. Even if it maybe is.—Travis

12 SONGS: Pre-Surf Playlist Part II

12 SONGS: Pre-Surf Playlist Part II

Oscar Langburne in Wear No Flag

Oscar Langburne in Wear No Flag