
It’s not the end of the world.

"It's not the end of the world" hoodies + tees

"It's not the end of the world" hoodies + tees

Global Pandemic. Floods. Rain. Fires. Beaches closed. Bars closed. Masks. Quarantine. Kobe Bryant is dead. We can’t go to shows. Festivals. Work even. The World Tour is off indefinitely. Aint a single sport to watch. I realized today I haven’t surfed in 4 weeks now — the longest streak of my life — and my fridge is getting to a dangerously low place. Yeah, things are pretty tough right now. It was all fun and games there for a bit and now this is starting to hurt.


As bad as things are, we’re still here. The planet is taking a nice big deep breath. Hopefully you are too. I know it’s stressful. But we’re inside devouring books. Trying Yoga. Writing things. Planning. Organizing. scrounging up change to make rent. Anything and everything we can to stay psyched through this. We’re currently rallying footage to put out a new surf vid from quarantine too.

During a time when I can’t dare to ask a brand to sponsor anything, we got some hoodies still and buying them buys us more time to make surf vids and write things, so I’ll put em up. They’re also a great reminder that as close to the end as it feels like we are, “It’s not the end of the world.” Not yet. We still have a lot of shredding to do. —Travis

Grab an IB hoodie or tee here.

Watch "Pink Lemonade" starring Chippa Wilson

Watch "Pink Lemonade" starring Chippa Wilson

Chippa Wilson on his new vid "Pink Lemonade"

Chippa Wilson on his new vid "Pink Lemonade"