
It’s not the end of the world.

Listen to CHAI

Listen to CHAI

Chai, the all-female band from Nagoya, broke through in 2018 with their infectious blend of pop punk heart palpating noise that dared to deconstruct the "kawaii" standards of beauty that so often oppress women in Japan. They were loud, unruly, and unapologetic about their brand, their look, their style. Chai went on to tour the States with Mac DeMarco and other indie favorites, cementing themselves as the new cool girls in town. But they were young, new to the rock 'n' roll scene, and experimenting with their potential.


Like so many other musicians, 2020 changed their world and their sound. Chai's new album WINK drops May 21st on Sub Pop, their first for the label, and they've flipped the script entirely. No longer strictly a "pop punk" band, whatever that means, Chai is now fully versed in R&B and electro-influenced vibrations. Check out new singles "Maybe Chocolate Chips" featuring Ric Wilson, and "Nobody Knows We're Fun," the perfect energy to jump start your weekend. –Maya Eslami.

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