
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Warm Water, Honey and Lemon

12 Songs: Warm Water, Honey and Lemon

There was a time when hardcore, punk, emo and screamo danced in the same sweaty pit full of kids in too-tight t-shirts and black bracelets throwing kung fu punches not intended to land. And while I thought those days were long gone, our pal, filmmaker, photographer and deep cut music consultant Michael Cukr keeps me believing it’s still happening. Throughout the year he sends me bands that land in this genre. Some of it’s from the good old days, some of it new.

This may not be for everyone, but sometimes driving around with crunchy, springy guitars and screaming melodic hardcore and emo blasting out the window works. It keeps the throat needing warm water, honey and lemon and the cynicism and heartbreak right where it should be: Pointed, but not sharp enough to do long term damage. Maybe a little blood, that’s all.

Enjoy, and if you don’t, well, there’s always next week and the hundreds of other 12 Songs playlists on our Spotify and Apple Music to choose from.—Travis Ferré

Listen to 12 Songs: Warm Water, Honey and Lemon here on Spotify

[Above photo: Jayson Green (front) and Jeffrey Salane (back) of Orchid performing in Bloomington, Indiana circa 2000.]

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