
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch the Trailer for "Thunderbird" a new film starring Colin Moran and friends

Watch the Trailer for "Thunderbird" a new film starring Colin Moran and friends

August used to be known as the time for surfing’s best parties and film premieres. A time when we could all take our sunburns out for the night and blow our eardrums listening to bands and watching surf premieres. Times have changed though and since everyone went into their bunkers, and the surf industry took a safety stance, there haven’t been many. But Colin Moran and his new film Thunderbird are here to save us all.

Tell all your other Zoom buddies you’re fucking going out August 14th to rock out and watch surfin’ loud.

Buy your tickets and support the memory and families of Colin’s best buddies we Ken Suzuki and Tyler Lonsway who we lost far too early this past year.

The first 100 people to pay $25 get in with a raffle ticket for the raffle that includes Colin’s 1972 Ford Thunderbird. You could literally drive away from this party with a new car. There will be tons of other stuff raffled off including surfboards and skateboards and gear. And supporting Ken and Tyler’s loving families. Get in there!

The first 100 donations here of $25+ gets you a ticket in and entered in the raffle for the car and boards

Gabe Morvil stars in "Feeling Nostalgic Today"

Gabe Morvil stars in "Feeling Nostalgic Today"

Let's take the first bus out of here

Let's take the first bus out of here