
It’s not the end of the world.

We made you a free surf video

We made you a free surf video

I am a hopeless-over-the-top-road-trip-daydreaming-glamourize-the-ridiculous romantic. I will admit that. I love getting giddy from music, art, films and fiction — and while I usually overcook that enthusiasm until it's overshadowed by my own disappointment that the world doesn’t resemble the cartoon joy happening in my brain, I keep coming back for more.

As a kid, the coming back for more resulted in me hitting rewind and replaying the same bundle of surf videos so often that I could recreate the hand placements of every surfer on every wave and recite quotes from the most buried secret sections there were. I can actually tell Taylor Steele where he put clips in movies when he forgets. My CD collection was a replication of every band used in all the surf videos I owned. And yes, I own many and bought them all for $29.99 a pop. I built a fortress of surf and music in my mind so strong that I’m still living off the fumes to this day. Hence my job title: “surf media bro.”

Every so often, I use those fumes to make something productive for surfing. Which is what we have here today: a free surf movie that doesn’t need to exist, but does thanks to the hard work and passion of other creators and surfers who have a similar nostalgic ailment for surf videos. I have to especially thank filmmaker Blake Myers for tackling the thankless task of organizing and editing footage that was submitted in just about every fathomable format from all over the globe and managed to turn it into a really good surf movie.

So without further adieu, we present Surf Film 2: our second totally free and totally organic surf vid put together using a cut out method so raw that William Burroughs himself might even be psyched to surf. That or he’d earmark Death Grips in his iTunes library. —Travis Ferré 

[Above art: Cut-Out method by William Burroughs from The Art of William S. Burroughs: Cut-ups, Cut-ins, Cut-outs]

Beneath the Surface: Crosby Colapinto

Beneath the Surface: Crosby Colapinto