
It’s not the end of the world.

Fresh Hell 0004 Out Now

Fresh Hell 0004 Out Now

It’s no secret what “works” in the surf media game anymore. Regurgitate something just right and everyone reposts and everyone sees and everyone comments emojis and we settle for that. IG decides exactly who sees what and we all merge into the surf monoculture lane together.

Well, our issues of Fresh Hell are designed to absolutely wreck that by sending you a batch of content you didn’t even know you wanted. It’s inspired by making magazines and built to surprise, entertain and remind you that it’s not the end of the world. We love surfing and all the riff-raff around it, so we bottle it up and chuck it at you on the first of the month. Original videos, interviews, music, art and book recommendations, photos from way behind the scenes and advice for living like a core lord.

Our new issue is out and if you subscribe below for free you’ll never miss one. Our little secret.—Travis

Click here to checkout Issue 0004: The Hawaii Issue

Surfers on the Proust Questionnaire: Crosby Colapinto

Surfers on the Proust Questionnaire: Crosby Colapinto

The Return of Fresh Hell

The Return of Fresh Hell