
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch: "Digital Surf, Digital World"

Watch: "Digital Surf, Digital World"

Tanner Gudauskas is a thinker. He’s a really good surfer too, but his surfing always comes with pure and thorough thoughts about our time on earth. Unlike a lot of his San Clemente brethren — content to blindly rip their way through Trestles on electric bikes and golf carts, stacking as many waves as possible — Tanner leans into nostalgia and his outputs are always better for it. During the course of the lockdown earlier this year, Tanner won quarantine with his thoughtful and intimate chats with our heroes via his “Paradise Awareness Outreach” YouTube channel. Once the digital machine caught up with him though, he found the void of the Internet calling for more. He answered with “Digital Surf, Digital World,” a very vibe-filled short film.

You Never Had It: An Evening With Bukowski

You Never Had It: An Evening With Bukowski

The World is Too much with Us

The World is Too much with Us