
It’s not the end of the world.

You Never Had It: An Evening With Bukowski

You Never Had It: An Evening With Bukowski

Buk would turn 100 this week. Sunday, August 16. And to commemorate, there’s a new documentary out on the snarling dirty old man who had a way with the written word. Known mostly for his tales of duking, drinking and sexual exploits from the gutter, Bukowski can be surprisingly endearing for those who’ve read extensively or heard him speak. He has a way of finding beauty and grace within the horrors and monotonies of daily existence — a necessary strategy for navigating the sea of broken shoelaces we face today. For all the drinking, fighting and overt sexual behavior and language, he sure did “have a blue bird in his heart,” as he said. His letters and poetry still inspire. His novels are necessary evils for wounded and inebriated hearts. His live readings are fucking hilarious.

This new documentary, You Never Had It - An Evening with Bukowski features recently re-discovered footage taken by Journalist Silvia Bizio during an evening in San Pedro, CA in January 1981. Bizio dug up the footage in her garage and digitized the footage — which features frank discussions of sex, writers, love and humanity over lots of wine and cigarettes. Wouldn’t make sense without all of that. The film also features recently shot Super 8 footage of Los Angeles and San Pedro set to readings of poetry by Bukowski himself.

If you click on the link below your can find your local theater to support and for 12 bucks you can screen the film at home at your convenience for 5 days.

Click here to watch the film and support your local independent theater.

Charles Bukowski San Pedro, CA
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