
It’s not the end of the world.

Kael Walsh just walked himself to the front of the line.

Kael Walsh just walked himself to the front of the line.

Dear Kael: You are officially invited on any and every trip we ever do. And while I don’t mean to rain down even more hyperbole on “Soft Serve” (which is fantastically stitched together by Wade Carroll) it’s pretty damn deserving. Kael Walsh just gave 2020 and the sleepy stupor its put us all under a bloody lip with this vid. I haven’t seen someone disregard their body, ankles and surfboards and do so with so much style since Noa was chucking himself like a skate rat off cliffs for Cluster. Kael might have just inherited the crown for sending it.

In between mesmerizing and impossible barreling rights, he tosses in some grab-rail carves and throws himself over reef and fins like he loves blood. I don’t know what else to say that hasn’t been said, but we all just got a new guy to root for. Hand me my pom-poms.—Travis

Heads Will Roll

Heads Will Roll

Watch So-California: A road trip through the birthplace of modern surf culture

Watch So-California: A road trip through the birthplace of modern surf culture